Customers When You need Them.

All ADI's and driving schools need a constant supply of new customers and this course will enable you to attract new customers when you need them.

The course is designed to make up for the shortfall in the DVSA training syllabus where new instructors are trained to 'teach' but unless you have the ability to 'market' your lessons, you may revert to selling on price like so many others.

Course Introduction

This video will give you a good overview of the course and you can also have FREE access to the all important (USP) video preview in section one.

Course Curriculum

  Course Support.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Initial preparation.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  FREE promotion
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Why A Website Is A Crucial Part Of All Your Marketing.
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Paid for promotions to turbo charge your customer enquiries.
Available in days
days after you enroll
Available in days
days after you enroll

One off payment for lifetime access.

Pre Recession Discount Code.

Enter 200 at checkout and SAVE £200.

At the moment new lesson enquiries remain strong for a lot of ADI's and driving schools but like all good things it may come to an end if we believe the financial forecasters.

The problem comes when new enquiries start to dry up and nothing has been put in place to ensure your business still receives sufficient new customers for your needs. It's at this stage the majority of ADI's and driving schools revert to selling on price and undo all the good work to raise lesson prices over the past two years.

Smart ADI's and driving school owners always have contingency plans in place and we would like to reward those of you that would like to be prepared with a pre-recession discount of £200.

The discount code is available for a limited time only and will be removed without notice.